- Lookup information

Here you can find all the gathered information whe could find about the public IP address We locate the IP address to the country United Kingdom. The organisation with own this IP address is not recorded. We provide this information for free and for personal investigation purpose.
Most of the times people are searching for an IP address is to know the owner of it and if there is a website running an the given IP Address. For the IP we did not find an active website running on it. However we are still optimizing our process to retrieve those information. Also lot of questions ares asked for login details of a website or admin interface. We do not provide these credentials.
We see that your IP is visible when browsing the internet.
Do you like more privacy? You can use a VPN to hide your own IP Address.

Reverse lookup of IP address

here you see the reverse hostname and if the given IP Address is a public or private IP Address.
IP address
None Found
None Found
Open proxy
Not recorded

Location of IP address

Country:  United Kingdom
City:  Islington
Continent:  Europe
Type:  Public

Registered and represented country

Registered country:  United Kingdom
Represented country:  United Kingdom

Location on the map for IP address

The latitude and longitude of the location associated with the IP address
In addition, the map is loaded with the circle of accuracy arround the pointer of the location for IP
Latitude:  51.540000915527344
Longitude:  -0.11800000071525574
Radius 200km  (The radius in kilometers around the specified location where the IP address is likely to be)
Last updated:  01/06/2023 01:08:10

Reverse DNS

DNS records are used to determine witch IP address (for instance your given IP Address is associated with a hostname.
A reverse DNS is to resolve a IP address to lookup what associated hostname for it.
Reverse lookup:  None Found


Port scans recorded by FunnelWeb for
Port scans:  35